Partnership & Grantee Highlights

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Pollinator Initiative seeks to protect bees throughout the country

One Hive

Photo Credit:  Jim Hudgins/USFWS

NRDC uses science, policy, law, and people power to confront the climate crisis, protect public health, and safeguard nature. In 2023, One Hive supported NRDC’s Pollinator Initiative. Below is a list of NRDC’s ongoing national projects.


Nationwide – In May 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released an unprecedented finding that use of EPA-approved neonic pesticide products likely jeopardizes the continued existence of 200+ threatened and endangered species—or ~11% of the entire endangered species list. The finding comes as a result of years of successful litigation by NRDC and its partners, and has the potential to ultimately result in restrictions on neonic use nationwide. The first test will be whether EPA will propose such restrictions in its anticipated “registration review” proposals for neonics this fall. NRDC will be extensively commenting on the proposals and evaluating opportunities for further litigation.

One Hive

Photo Credit: Tony Ernst via Flickr, CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

One Hive

Photo Credit: Tony Ernst via Flickr, CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0


Nationwide – In May 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released an unprecedented finding that use of EPA-approved neonic pesticide products likely jeopardizes the continued existence of 200+ threatened and endangered species—or ~11% of the entire endangered species list. The finding comes as a result of years of successful litigation by NRDC and its partners, and has the potential to ultimately result in restrictions on neonic use nationwide. The first test will be whether EPA will propose such restrictions in its anticipated “registration review” proposals for neonics this fall. NRDC will be extensively commenting on the proposals and evaluating opportunities for further litigation.

One Hive

Photo Credit: Jill Utrup/USFWS

New York – In June 2023, after years of advocacy from an NRDC-led coalition (now of more than 280 local groups, businesses, and municipalities), the New York State Legislature passed the Birds and Bees Protection Act. The bill would be the first in the nation to prohibit neonic treatments on corn and soybean seeds—the largest and most widespread use of neonics across the country—and would eliminate 80-90% of the neonics entering New York’s environment every year. The bill has the potential to affect markets for neonic use nationwide and will now head to Governor Hochul’s desk before the end of the year. With continued industry pressure, and a realistic risk of veto, we will be assembling a large coalition effort to secure the Governor’s signature on this nationally-important bill by year’s end. Learn more about the bill in this interview with NRDC and Inside The Hive.

Nevada – On May 30, 2023, Republican Governor Joe Lombardo signed AB 162 into law, a prohibition on outdoor, non-agricultural neonic uses that passed the state legislature with overwhelming bipartisan support. NRDC advised the coalition and author Assemblymember Gorelow on the content and initial draft of the bill, provided fact sheets and other supporting content from our New Jersey work, and submitted detailed written testimony in support of the bill in both houses.

One Hive

One Hive

Nevada – On May 30, 2023, Republican Governor Joe Lombardo signed AB 162 into law, a prohibition on outdoor, non-agricultural neonic uses that passed the state legislature with overwhelming bipartisan support. NRDC advised the coalition and author Assemblymember Gorelow on the content and initial draft of the bill, provided fact sheets and other supporting content from our New Jersey work, and submitted detailed written testimony in support of the bill in both houses.

One Hive

Minnesota – In 2023, NRDC expanded legislative advocacy work to Minnesota, where—working closely with a coalition of state partners—helped secure significant wins for pollinator protection this spring, including a complete neonic ban on state lands.

California – In late May, two NRDC-supported bills passed the state Assembly to advance to the Senate. AB 363 grew out of Governor Newsom’s veto of a NRDC-sponsored non-agricultural neonic ban last year. NRDC is one of two official cosponsors of the bill, which ensures that the review of and mitigation for non-agricultural neonic uses—promised by the Governor in his veto message—is completed in a thorough and timely fashion. AB 1042 grows out of NRDC’s longstanding work to ensure the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to close a state regulatory loophole that currently allows neonic-treated seeds to escape all pesticide regulation. Due to active NRDC litigation on the issue, NRDC is not a named cosponsor of the bill, but is actively supporting its passage. Although NRDC expects a much tougher road in the Senate, they will continue to work to see both bills passed and signed before the end of the year.



One Hive

One Hive

California – In late May, two NRDC-supported bills passed the state Assembly to advance to the Senate. AB 363 grew out of Governor Newsom’s veto of a NRDC-sponsored non-agricultural neonic ban last year. NRDC is one of two official cosponsors of the bill, which ensures that the review of and mitigation for non-agricultural neonic uses—promised by the Governor in his veto message—is completed in a thorough and timely fashion. AB 1042 grows out of NRDC’s longstanding work to ensure the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to close a state regulatory loophole that currently allows neonic-treated seeds to escape all pesticide regulation. Due to active NRDC litigation on the issue, NRDC is not a named cosponsor of the bill, but is actively supporting its passage. Although NRDC expects a much tougher road in the Senate, they will continue to work to see both bills passed and signed before the end of the year.